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发布日期:2024-03-15 13:34    点击次数:102
在POKER770用WMZ方式申请取款,收到邮件说“将被通过电汇方式处理”,而且要求我发送电话费/电费账单的扫描件和银行卡号给他们,就取那几十刀,还要电汇?也实在太麻烦了吧?有没有其他同学遇到过这种情况? 只有前几个月由于POKER770维护导致WMZ方式无法使用时出现过该情况。 现金机器存了点进去。玩了几天,玩习惯了扑克之星(PokerStars),去玩IP系列那软件实在太不舒服,牌局历史很慢。只赢了一点点,收到的邮件显示比我提款的金额少了6刀,手续费也太贵了吧。验证不验证这个不重要,反正资料我都可以提供给他,可气是要求我用其他方式取款而且手续费超贵,我明明是WMZ存入的居然要求我要电汇取款,这不是霸王条款吗?!建议同学们尽量少碰这个站。 你10月那次取款是通过WMZ的吗?至于电汇到帐比申请少,可能是由于中转行费用存在。 一直都只用WMZ方式存取,没有用过其他方式。 所以最好还是询问下POKER770客服由于什么原因无法使用WMZ方式 我的取款也被要求电汇。难道WMZ又要维护?请问电汇取款具体要怎么操作?有没有教程呀。POKER770的英文信都是通过百度翻译才知道自己的取款被要求电汇。英肓如何和770联系? 电汇就是需要填写张电汇银行信息,这个你可以询问你的开户银行,英文不好联系客服那自然还是用翻译吧 收到POKER770的回信,内容如下: Thank you for contacting us. By means of this message, we would like to tell you that here at Poker770, it is our goal to offer you the best gaming experience, while providing you with the best of services. Therefore, as the option of withdrawing your winnings via WebMoney is currently unavailable, the easiest way to cash out your funds would be Wire Transfer. Moreover, we wish to let you know that Poker770 does not take any fees for your transfer, but your bank may charge you with additional fees. Furthermore, we inform you that you could also choose to cash out your winnings via another refundable payment agent, such as: Neteller, Visa credit card, Mastercard. Click2Pay, Moneybookers. For more information on our available payment methods, feel free to access the link below: http://poker.770.com/en/getting-started/payment-methods Additionally, if you prefer not to withdraw your funds until WebMoney is available, we can transfer your funds back to your balance with a simple confirmation message from you. Hoping that you find the above information useful, we remain at your service for any other information! Best regards, Patrick 不知道是不是又要维护?想请学校联系扑克室确认一下,是不是维护?还是取消这个取款方式?用电汇手续费高,而且麻烦。 我的也是,不知道啥时候能好上次多久解决了的? In reply to your message we wish to inform you that we are currently working on improving the WebMoney services available on Poker770. Therefore, our payment agent has decided to process your $35 cash out via Wire Transfer, so that you can receive your well deserved winnings without any inconvenience. POKER770取款被要求电汇和地址验证在POKER770用WMZ方式申请取款,收到邮件说“将被通过电汇方式处理”,而且要求我发送电话费/电费账单的扫描件和银行卡号给他们,就取那几十刀,还要电汇?也实在太麻烦了吧?有没有其他同学遇到过这种情况?只有前几个月由于POKER770维护导致WMZ方式无法使用时出现过该情况。现金机器存了点进去。玩了几天,玩习惯了扑克之星(PokerStars),去玩IP系列那软件实在太不舒服,牌局历史很慢。只赢了一点点,收到的邮件显示比我提款的金额少了6刀,手续费也太贵了吧。验证不验证这个不重要,反正资料我都可以提供给他,可气是要求我用其他方式取款而且手续费超贵,我明明是WMZ存入的居然要求我要电汇取款,这不是霸王条款吗?!建议同学们尽量少碰这个站。你10月那次取款是通过WMZ的吗?至于电汇到帐比申请少,可能是由于中转行费用存在。一直都只用WMZ方式存取,没有用过其他方式。所以最好还是询问下POKER770客服由于什么原因无法使用WMZ方式我的取款也被要求电汇。难道WMZ又要维护?请问电汇取款具体要怎么操作?有没有教程呀。POKER770的英文信都是通过百度翻译才知道自己的取款被要求电汇。英肓如何和770联系?电汇就是需要填写张电汇银行信息,这个你可以询问你的开户银行,英文不好联系客服那自然还是用翻译吧收到POKER770的回信,内容如下:Thank you for contacting us.By means of this message, we would like to tell you that here at Poker770, it is our goal to offer you the best gaming experience, while providing you with the best of services.Therefore, as the option of withdrawing your winnings via WebMoney is currently unavailable, the easiest way to cash out your funds would be Wire Transfer.Moreover, we wish to let you know that Poker770 does not take any fees for your transfer, but your bank may charge you with additional fees.Furthermore, we inform you that you could also choose to cash out your winnings via another refundable payment agent, such as: Neteller, Visa credit card, Mastercard. Click2Pay, Moneybookers.For more information on our available payment methods, feel free to access the link below:http://poker.770.com/en/getting-started/payment-methodsAdditionally, if you prefer not to withdraw your funds until WebMoney is available, we can transfer your funds back to your balance with a simple confirmation message from you.Hoping that you find the above information useful, we remain at your service for any other information!Best regards,Patrick不知道是不是又要维护?想请学校联系扑克室确认一下,是不是维护?还是取消这个取款方式?用电汇手续费高,而且麻烦。我的也是,不知道啥时候能好上次多久解决了的?In reply to your message we wish to inform you that we are currently working on improving the WebMoney services available on Poker770. Therefore, our payment agent has decided to process your $35 cash out via Wire Transfer, so that you can receive your well deserved winnings without any inconvenience.

只有一名外国车手到澳门参与今年的赛事- 英国车手候夫,他是东望洋大赛九届冠军,今年亦会参赛争取第十个冠军。他正在指定酒店接受14天隔离轮盘赌,而其余94位车手则主要来自澳门、内地和香港。

南岸表示轮盘赌,Global Allocation Fund的建议清盘的理由「主要与本集团的净负债状况、该酒 店暂停营运及该酒店的整体表现欠佳有关。」
